Wednesday, March 31, 2010

God's Mind, Chapter 4!

I'm baaack!  So, what do you think of the story so far?  Any suggestions?  Oh well, here we go with chapter four; keep reading!


next morning, though well rested, Kelly was still in emotional  turmoil.  Although she could not imagine anything
becoming of it, she still felt unreasonably close to Pastor
, and knew there was a purpose
in their mutual attraction.  She decided
that, if she couldn’t stop thinking about him, she could turn thoughts of him
into intercessory prayer and perhaps during her dialog, God would resolve her
increasing distress.  Kelly slowly  packed her clothes and wasted time getting ready.  she wished she could stay
longer, but realized she needed to be by her husband’s side, enduring the test,
growing in grace, and learning how to allow the “Full armor of God” to protect
her from every temptation.  Just before
she and Melody got into the car, Melody brought up the subject of Kelly’s
trials with Kevin.  “Kelly, are you sure
everything is alright with you and Kevin?” 
“Melody, we’re fine.  We’ve been
together almost 20 years now!  It’s a
little late to say we made a mistake—don’t ‘cha think?”  Well, all I know is, I wish I had a man like Kevin.”  Kelly
let that comment drop and put her suitcase in the trunk.  “You know Mel,
this trip has been a real blessing to me. 
I really appreciate all the preparation and sacrifice that went into
such a wonderful gift.”  “Oh girl please”,
responded Melody.  “I love you—don’t you
know?”  “Yeah, I know.  I just want you to know how much this meant
to me.  “It’s the least I can do Kelly.  You
don’t know how much you and your whole family have meant to me.  Tell me Kelly,
do I look different?”  Kelly looked into Melody’s eyes.  The same insecurity remained.  She was beautiful, shapely, smart, and well
paid, but none of that gave her  assurance that she had value.  “Yeah, you look more mature, but still very
beautiful”, Kelly responded in
earnest.  “You’re still beautiful too,
and I love how you’ve colored your hair; what does Kevin think of it?”  “You know Kevin.  He only likes what is natural.  That’s why I’ve got to get my fashion sense
from my sistas”.  Kelly
and Melody laughed.  “Maybe, but it sure
must be nice to have a husband who allows you to explore all you want to
be.  You don’t know girl; these guys out
here today?  They want you to have a
body, a job, cookin' skills and pay your share of the bills! 
The bad part is, they may not have what they’re asking for!  Dating is a real trip, girl!  Kelly
chuckled.  “What do you mean, my husband
allows me to explore all I want to be?” 
“Kelly, these days men expect their wives to work, and bring their
paycheck to the table, fry up the bacon, take care of the kids, and be a sexaholic
too!  Your husband has never required you
to work, so you’ve been free to try out whatever you wanted.  Do you know what a blessing that is?”  “Uh..I guess I don’t”, said Kelly thoughtfully, but not willing to further explore the subject. 
They arrived at the airport much too soon.  Kelly
and Melody got out of the car; Melody set Kelly’s
bag near a bench in front of the terminal.  “Call me
when you get home, okay?”  “Okay.  I love you”. 
“I love you too.  Be good”.  “I’ll do what I can”, said Melody, smiling a
she drove off. 


plane ride was uneventful.  Kelly got home just in time to prepare a light dinner
before Kevin made it home from club
meeting; she decided to  take a nap.  She made certain to pray for Pastor James as he crept
into her thoughts just before sleep swallowed her consciousness.  “Oh my Father”, Kelly
earnestly prayed.  “I’m not sure why this
man is constantly on my mind, but grow him up in your word.  Give him an even greater commitment to you,
and to the ministry you are preparing for him; let all that my heart desires be
according to your will.  Amen”…Kelly continued to attend Mt. Holiness,
but kept a deliberate distance from Pastor James. 
She focused on ways to show Kevin just how much she loved him, and
poured her heart out to God each morning in prayer after Kevin and her baby
daughter left the house.  Sometimes she
would pray the entire morning, always remembering Pastor and Kevin. 


evening, Kelly received a phone call.  It
was her Mother on the other end, which of itself was not strange—they spoke
almost every day of the week, and sometimes two or three times a day, but this
time her Father was sick.  Not only was
he sick, he as terminal.  “Your Daddy’s
lung cancer came out of remission; the doctor doesn’t give him more than a few
weeks to live.”  “A few weeks?  What happened?”  “I don’t know”, came her mother’s exasperated
reply.  “How soon can you get here?”  Well, Kevin gets paid Wednesday…”  “He might not make it until Wednesday…”  “But I don’t have any money.  I can’t leave before Wednesday; can I speak
to him?”  Her mom gave the phone to her
dad.  “Hello there.” His thin voice
sounded hoarse and raspy.  “Poppy?  What happened to your voice?  You sound so…different.”  “Yeah”, he answered, straining to project
strength; “it’s the medicine.  When you
comin’ to see me?  Well, I can’t come
before Wednesday, but I’ll be there as soon as I can after that, okay?  “Okay. 
Here, talk to your mother.”  “I
love you.”  Immediately when she heard
his voice, she knew this was it.  The day
she had rehearsed in her bosom and anticipated with dread was fast approaching.  Amazingly she wasn’t afraid, just
heartbroken.  Those who knew her knew how
close she was to her dad; even her mom didn’t think she would hold it
together.  “Are you alright?”  “Uh..yeah; are you alright?”  “I’m fine; I’m just worried about you.  I’m not sure you’re going to be able to handle
this.”  “Oh Mommy, I’ll be fine, you’ll
see.  God will keep me!  “Uh huh. 
I’ll see you when you get here.”  The
joy of her walk with Christ had given her a strength
she never had before.  She felt like she
could handle anything, but as she boarded the bus that Thursday, the closer she
got to Florida,
the more anxious she became.  Her dad was
her heart and she hadn’t seen him in 3 years. 
She didn’t know what to expect, but she knew she had to go and see him, tell
him she loved him, and do whatever she could to help her mom.  She purposely packed a light suitcase so she
could walk the four blocks to the house without assistance.  She got there around 10:30 am. 
Everything in the little town of Madison
was so still that time of morning.  All
the blinds in the front of the house were drawn, and the door was closed and
locked. She went around to the back, where the blinds  let in the
intense heat of the sun, and found her Mom sitting in the
kitchen, in her favorite chair.  She was  lovely as ever.  Her thick, gray
hair was in braids; she never wore jewelry or makeup anymore, but her soft,
honey-brown skin was radiant.  Kelly’s mom loved house dresses and slippers; she
really was into this retirement thing—big time—apparently enjoying the freedom
of prudent preparation.  “Hey
Mommy!”  Kelly smiled and greeted her
with a big hug and a kiss.  “Hi.  I see you made it.”  ”Yep. 
How’s Pop-Pop?”   “He’s okay.  He’s sleep, but the nurse is about to give
him a bath”  “Yeah?  Well, I’m gonna wake him up!”  She put her bags down in the nearest room and
walked up to the front of the house where her parents’ bedroom was.  It was as dark as the burgundy shades and
drawn curtains could make it; she had no idea it was because the light hurt her
dad’s eyes.  Kelly
had to search for her father in the bed. 
He had lost a tremendous amount of weight, and his thinning silver hair
was all gone in the top.  It was apparent
his frail body was weak.  He was growing
a goatee, which looked very classy, and even his illness could not detract from
his handsome face.  All at once, Kelly was both devastated and elated simultaneously;
these would be the last days she would spend with her father—did she have what it
took to bear up?  Would she really be
okay letting him go?

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