Thursday, June 30, 2011

Grateful? Grace Full!

Ever thought about what it takes to make up your bed? I never gave it a thought--that was until one of my arms gradually became so stiff, and so weak, that I could not even fluff my cover without pain! We take so much for granted. But, when we are grateful--for the ability to move without pain, for our family and friends, for sight and health, and salvation, God is able to move through our gratefulness to fill us with His grace (think, "favor") until we just receive preferential treatment in everything! My arm is on the mend. I realize that at my age (wouldn't YOU like to know!)I have to make special effort to remain limber (i.e. exercise!!). My effort to remain filled with grace/favor is to remember to be thankful for all the ways I am already blessed. That attitude, mixed with confidence in God (some call that faith), puts me in line for a life filled with favor! Declare God's favor over your life. Then, expect Him to shower you with His love and kindness, and be thankful. You will see miracles and blessings as never before!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Grace Gives No Condemnation, So We Can Go & Sin No More!

A lot of talk lately about marriage between homosexuals...Well, God's grace is for the homosexual too! He DOES NOT condemn the homosexual--but neither does He condone the sin! So if you are a member of this community, know that Jesus will gladly receive you; just come to Him. He will give you the gift of no condemnation, and this precious gift will give you the power to let go of the lifestyle that has dominated your life, and give you the freedom to live in purpose--as He intended you to--receiving and giving love as He designed it...and ain't nothin' wrong about that!

Friday, June 24, 2011

And Favor Comes by Faith!

As I have been listening to--who else?--Joseph Prince, and coming to terms with expecting favor, it dawned on me that, expecting God's unmerited favor is just another name for having faith in God. Sometimes it doesn't seem practical--having faith. I mean, what do you do when you have faith? Well, you expect God to do what needs to be done in a way you had not thought of, but without you having to manipulate, compromise, or lie to get it done; now that is advice you can sink your spiritual teeth into! So have faith, expect favor, and be genuine in your dealings with others! :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Grace is Favor!

The next time you see the word "grace", think: FAVOR. That's right, grace is favor, and in the case of salvation, "Grace" is God's unearned, unmerited, undeserved favor!! Those of us who haven't been "good", who haven't tried to keep the law, who perhaps have tried and failed miserably--and don't mind admitting that--we qualify for God's favor! That means He gives us preferential treatment(we are treated better than those who think they somehow merit His favor), and in response, we are empowered to live the blessed life. Just like if Bill Gates favored us, and sponsored us to go to school, or start a business, God gives us not just money, but everything we need to live the good life He pre-ordained us to live! Think Favor. Expect Favor. Then, be thankful for it, and you will begin to see it as never before!

Monday, June 20, 2011

All Paid...

Yesterday, I watched "The Passion of The Christ" for the very first time. It was quite graphic, and I had to turn the channel more than once. It was also the first time I really thought about what it cost for me to have access to this grace, and I am determined to not let it be in vain! By faith, I receive EVERYTHING Jesus' sacrifice obtained for me: healing, love, peace, joy, prosperity, wonderful relationships, and unity of purpose with Abba Father...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Anointed Teachers...continued

Today is Father's Day! When I think of anointed teachers, there has been none as great in my life as my father. After all, he was the one who taught me about this Jesus who is loving me to wholeness. He's the one that taught me about God's plan of salvation, and shared the truths of scripture with me. It was his teaching that prepared me to receive the greater revelation of grace...and I am so thankful. He's with our Heavenly Father today. This is the first Father's Day that I've had that bitter-sweet feeling about him being away...but I know it won't last long. That too is God's grace. It's the grace that allows us to lose a loved one and not despair. We can miss someone, but yet be glad they are no longer in pain, or ill, or suffering, or just plain unhappy...Grace is also the hope of seeing that loved one again--in health and purpose! I look forward to that day, and in the meantime, I'm gonna share what I've learned about grace, so that somebody else will come to know Jesus, and receive all the peace, love, joy, loving relationships, and salvation from the consequences of sin that my dad taught me about...HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, POPPY, ABBA, AND ALL THE MEN WHO ARE STEPPING UP TO THEIR POSITION OF "FATHER"!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Anointed Teachers

I was privileged to listen to a message from my spiritual mentor, Joseph Prince. He shared how greater knowledge of Christ, and the practice of expecting God's favor actually increases that favor in your life. But it works by faith. This is life-changing. If you will believe God favors you, if you will expect his favor and goodness everyday, you will see it in big and small ways!! And you don't have to be "good" to get this favor--you only have to believe God's love for you, and accept it; sounds too good to be true, right? BUT IT IS TRUE!! When you see God's love, when you know your sin debt has been paid, it doesn't make you want to wallow in sin, it gives you power to get up out of sin! Oh yeah, FAITH is a firm trust and belief in something or someone that will lead you to act on what that someone has said, or in line with that something you believe. God says His favor surrounds His people like a shield. That gives me joy, so I'm gonna speak that over myself everyday too! Not in the family yet? No problem. Just ask Jesus to be your savior, trust that He will be your savior, and you're in!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Grace Works; Our Works Don't!

Okay, so I tried to eat better yesterday; it didn't work! I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich from a private "fast food" restaurant that shall remain nameless... it was a large, undercooked, grilled-looking chicken mcnugget--if you know what I mean. It tasted terrible!!!! Conclusion? Don't try to make myself want to eat better. Rather, focus on Christ. Allow Him to be my peace about what I am eating. If I eat "wrong", let the guilt go, and thank Him for the better choices I WILL make. Today, I did eat better, but I didn't stress when I was tempted to eat some candy around 10pm; I just didn't eat it!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sometimes we are too busy trying to grasp a concept, rather than just accepting it. That'a why I've been away. Grace is wonderful, and life changing, but it must be received kinda like air. It must be received moment by moment; you can't store it up for tomorrow. I think that's what I had been trying to do, and life was becoming stale. So, I decided today to do another spiritual experiment. I am going to live out the scripture which says: "At thy right hand, there is fullness of joy". For the next 30 days, I'm only gonna do things that bring me joy. Not necessarily what I love, but what brings me joy! For example, blogging gives me joy, and I love fried chicken. Fried foods put on extra weight, so, I'll blog more, and eat less. Let's see what happens...
I'm BAAAAACK! Had a long hiatus, but now, back to blog more about God's Amazing Grace! Hope ur ready :)