Monday, March 22, 2010

Background Notes

I suppose I need to explain why getting a grip on grace is having such an impact on my life. As many of you know, I've been in church all my life. I've served in different capacities, contributed time, talent, and treasure to the work of the church, and thought I was pleasing God with my service...but I was always angry. When I messed up, I couldn't understand why. I read my bible, prayed, and attended church regularly, but somehow, the "abundant life spoken of in scripture was not mine. This left me searching for a richer Christian experience. Then , when tragedy came and my life started spinning out of control, I needed more than the cliches, friendships, and bible verses I knew. Lets face it, when life doesn't make sense and you think God is not changing your circumstances on purpose, you can get a little pissed! I needed to know God to be the God that could take me from (what I considered) fruitful service to no fellowship; from poverty and lack to homelessness--and back; from having grown children to becoming a "new" mother @ 44--and make all that make sense...well, that didn't happen right way, but as I slowly released my ideas of what my life should have been, and accepted that maybe--just maybe, God might have a better plan (duh), grace, God's riches at Christ expense, began to unfold in my life. I began to see possibilities, opportunities, purpose, and I learned God operates according to principles--not capriciously. I learned that his love was specifically toward ME, that He had a plan just for ME, and that He wants an intimate, personal, cozy relationship with me, me, ME! I have several ministers to thank for helping me see this revelation, but none more than the gentle young man who identified himself as a "stutterer" (in his formative years), Pastor Joseph Prince. check out his video here:

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